Cute×癒し - 心を満たす音楽空間



Mini Lesson







3級即興演奏 Bを弾いてみた



























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English Ver. Reflecting on My Musical Color While Improvising with a Two-Bar Motif

My Journey with Music

I began playing the piano before I even understood what “difficult” truly meant. Because of this, I never really distinguished between what was hard or easy. My thoughts were always focused on one thing: how to create good music.

I believe those of you reading this also have a deep love for music and are dedicated to it. Today, I want to share my thoughts on what it means to truly “engage with music deeply.”

Sounds That Bother Me

There are certain sounds that I find particularly difficult to tolerate. One example is loud conversations. When I’m outside, these sounds inevitably find their way to my ears and drain my energy. Even though they have nothing to do with me and I should just ignore them, my ears pick them up, making my mind feel cluttered and uncomfortable, leaving me feeling down for most of the day.

There are voices that are pleasant to listen to and those that are not. Because of this, I sometimes choose to stay home unless I have a good reason to go out.

This sensitivity applies to music as well. I can instantly notice even the slightest pitch discrepancies in an orchestra. While this is a strength as someone working in music, playing with people who are indifferent to pitch can be mentally exhausting.

However, there are positive aspects to this sensitivity. I can quickly distinguish the unique characteristics of my favorite artists—the spatial depth of sound, subtle rhythmic variations, and the feel of the tempo—and incorporate these nuances into my own music.

For instance, even when playing at the same tempo, say 60 BPM, one pianist’s performance might feel grounded and heavy, while another’s might come across as light and airy. Even with the same tempo, the individuality of each pianist makes the performance completely different.

The ability to discern these differences allows for a deeper immersion in music. On the other hand, those who find comfort in strictly following rules may tend to take a more passive approach.

I’ve drifted a bit from my point about “unpleasant sounds,” but what I wanted to convey is that having the ability to discern subtle nuances is crucial in making music. Unfortunately, this skill often isn’t something that can be acquired through effort alone.

Perhaps the unique color of one’s music comes from this very ability to distinguish.

If you listen to everything superficially and try to replicate it, you end up with “music that lacks substance,” leaving listeners feeling nothing.

Before trying to master improvisation, it might be helpful to reflect on your own musicality. What chords, tempo, or key would you use to create a serene atmosphere?

Just like visual artists who might host an exhibition around a theme like “green” or “hearts,” in music, too, try playing with a theme in mind, imagining different scenes and resonances as you connect the sounds.

Improvising from a Two-Bar Motif

Recently, I tried improvising based on a two-bar motif. In the Yamaha Piano Grade Test, held at Yamaha Music Schools in Japan, there is an improvisation section where you are given a short two-bar melody and must create an improvised piece from it. The style is entirely up to you—it could be a sonata form, pop, or even a free style. The test has a low pass rate and is known for its difficulty.

Through this practice, I realized that improvisation is not just about creating music on the spot but also about deeply understanding your own musical expression.

”The Japanese version includes a video and sheet music.”

Exercises and Change

When maintaining the body, we don’t just exercise randomly; we focus on which part we’re moving. If you tense up too much, you might find yourself unable to move at all, but when you align your breathing with your movements, everything can flow more naturally.

Through this mindful practice, we begin to notice our bad habits and gradually learn ways to ease our bodies. Tension, relaxation, quirks, and bad habits—all are learned through the body.

This is what we call “change.”

When you experience this change, it’s as if a light switches on in front of you. Suddenly, you understand what your mentor has been saying, or the music of Keith Jarrett (whom I personally respect) begins to make sense.

That’s the moment when you truly fall in love with music, and from there, the journey becomes even more fascinating.

